Santapan Hati

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Subhanallah, How Beautifull Muslim 'Blue Eyes' Aceh.

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ

Dengan menyebut nama Allah Yang Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Penyayang

Assalamualaikum ..

They were greeted with the title 'Blue Eyes' or 'Bulek Lamno'. This is because their eye color eye color is different from most of the population of Indonesia. No one knows for sure how the descendants of that blue eyes exist in the rural village at the foot of Mount Geureute, Aceh Jaya.

Not all residents in the Lamno Jaya sub-district, Aceh Jaya district has a high stature, sharp nose, blond, blue-eyed white and brown. Characteristic of the only power possessed by the natives of Portuguese descent.Wahidin, one villager Ujong Muloh blood of Portuguese descent who have told the community of Blue Eyes, or better known as bulek Lamno, now reduced in number."It is the eighth descendant of our parents because there are five and six. In the district of Aceh Jaya and Jaya district in particular and there is another new district, named Indra Jaya district there are several villages inhabited by people of Portuguese descent in the 14th century untilto-16 washed up on the royal power, "the story Wahidin."The public and the royal power to hold the Portuguese army, and they married with people around the royal power. Villages that became the base population is of Portuguese descent Muloh Ujong village, Kuala Power, GLE Jong, Teumareum and Lambeso, is generally almost all female and male distinctively white, blond hair and prominent nose. " While the men coupled with the hairy arms and a thick chest hair.

Lamno an area located on the west coast of Aceh, located 86 kilometers from the city of Banda Aceh, the provincial capital. Community customs of the same blue eyes of the Acehnese, only the dialect of the language created by the people of Portuguese descent was to be different."With regard to the language of the Lamno different from the language in the city. People of Portuguese descent was using the dialect of Power. For example if Kamo (us), kame or kamey Lamnonya language, (today) uronyo called uronyee."There are two versions of the story about the origins of the Portuguese presence in Lamno.The first version says the Portuguese came to Aceh to colonize in 1519 and is married to locals, while the second version says a Portuguese warship containing hundreds of soldiers stranded in the waters of Lamno.The king then in power at that time to save soldiers and receive them into the local population, the condition that they embraced Islam.Blue Eyes is now being bulek Lamno or Portuguese descent has been reduced in number. The villages which are the basis of Portuguese descent was swept away by the enormity of the tsunami waves.Because of the tremendous impact of the tsunami, of Portuguese descent was dispersed.There are to Banda Aceh, Meulaboh and Lhokseumawe. After the tsunami they mate with people around the camp. "From the marriage is already the children of Portuguese descent outside Jaya district."Government of Portugal itself has channeled development aid health and education facilities in the area that remains.According to historical records that exist in the parent document central Aceh, Marco Polo sailing adventure around the world in the years 1292-1295 had a stopover in the kingdom and the power to write a book about the greatness of the kingdom of power mingled with Portuguese soldiers in Lamno.

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